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English translation for "between the devil and the deesea"


Related Translations:
deesea beef:  腌牛肉
devils tower national monument:  自然历史博物馆则位于恶魔塔国家公园纪念建筑物
between:  短语和例子between three and four o'clock 在三点到四点(钟)之间。 the sunshine between the leaves 树叶间漏下的阳光。 with a cigarette between one's lips 嘴上叼着香烟。 choose between the two 二中择一。 They are between jobs. 他
between ourselves:  秘密地说私下说的话我们之间的秘密
divide between:  在...之间分配
between times:  有时候, 偶尔
far between:  远隔的远离的
go between:  做中间人。
nothing between:  无交易
between centers:  中到中中心间距轴间距
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